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Mar Raposo, a Spanish professional with international experience in managing medium-sized companies and consultancy at Kearney, decided to explore the SF model in 2021 through a hands-on experience at Duhau Capital (which had acquired the Mexican National Soft last year). After this experience, she decided to launch her own SF, ARETÊ Management & Capital Partners, a traditional solo-SF. In less than 2 years of searching, she has recently managed to buy Auto-Matic, thanks to the support of various investors, such as Cabiedes, SFClub o Vonzeo Capital, among others.
Founded in 2000, Auto-Matic operates in a niche market within the automobile sector: the maintenance and repair of automatic transmissions. The company, with about 40 employees, is headquartered in Madrid, where it occupies facilities of over 4,000 m2, serving clients across the country. Auto-Matic is undoubtedly one of the key players in the niche and takes pride in having repaired more than 85,000 automatic transmissions in the last two decades.
Throughout the years, Auto-Matic has grown keeping a strong profitability, with a turnover of approximately €5M with an EBITDA of around 20%. This, combined with the fundamentals of good management for a company of this size and the character and values of the owners, formed the basis for the investment.
After the acquisition, Mar is now in transition with the founders. The plan is to reinforce the management team with a couple of experienced managers; further than technical knowledge of automatic transmissions, Mar is looking for “professionals with functional experience in their own field who fall in love with the company as she did“.
Legal: Zurbarán Abogados (Buyer) / Leialta (Seller)